03 máj So that the bread and pastries do not end up in the trash bin
About the survey
It happens to everyone you know that we buy more bread or pastries than we could consume. Anyone who lives in the countryside has poultry or hares, or pigs and can use every single piece. However, not everyone has this option. Bread is our (Slovak) cultural heritage, a valuable and basic food for all. Its production uses natural resources, human labour, energy and transport. Although bread is often underestimated as food, it does not deserve to end up in the trash.
As part of the FoodRUs research project, we, therefore, collect information, thoughts and ideas on how to use uneaten bread and pastries as a raw material for other meals, in order to help prevent its waste. By completing this questionnaire, you will contribute to the creation of a unique cookbook, which is to minimize waste and losses from bread and pastries until the last crumb. These recipes will then be tested by the households involved in the survey.
If you are interested, you will be able to prepare and present selected recipes at the workshops that we plan to hold for you, starting in May 2022. We will provide you with more information when available.

This survey is carried out as part of the FoodRUs research project.
It aims to gather information from stakeholders to support the development of effective solutions, including communication strategies, aimed at raising awareness of food waste prevention.
The questionnaire survey is anonymous and will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete.
The data obtained will be used for research purposes only and will in no way be linked to personal data, thus ensuring the confidentiality of the answers. If you want to withdraw from the survey at any time, you can do so without any problems.
If you have questions about the survey, you can contact the contact person: Terézia Hubáčková, tereziahubackova@gmail.com.
Thank you for your participation!
You can find out more about the FOODRUS research project at: www.jedloniejeodpad.sk